Love drenched. Nutrient Dense.

Raw Honey

To our family, raising honeybees is a sacred artform.

We are by no means experts...but the bees are merciful and they bless us with a most glorious raw honey which gives us a source of pleasure, energy and delight throughout the year. We share tremendous joy on our beekeeping journey and we love to share that with you all.

Raw honey is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, has antibacterial properties. It’s rich in health-promoting plant compounds known as polyphenols. It contains many important bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids.

Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders.

Raw Honey 8 oz


Sweet Corn

