Red Okra
Sea Island Red is a beautiful and productive okra with slender, dark red pods. This variety comes from the Gullah Geechee community of the Georgia Sea Islands. Chris Smith, author of The Whole Okra: a Seed to Stem Celebration received this variety from a Gullah Geechee matriarch seed keeper and shared them with our friend and grower Amirah Mitchell of Sistah Seeds.
Okra is a protein rich, antioxidant packed fruit that is also an excellent source of vitamins C and K1. Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that contributes to your overall immune function, while vitamin K1 is a fat soluble vitamin that’s known for its role in blood clotting.
The main antioxidants in okra are polyphenols, including flavonoids and isoquercetin. Polyphenols may also benefit brain health due to their unique ability to enter your brain and protect against inflammation. These defense mechanisms may help protect your brain from symptoms of aging and improve cognition, learning, and memory.
Okra is rich in magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C, K1 and A. Okra is a good source of folate, with 1 cup (100 grams) providing 15% of a woman’s daily needs for this vital nutrient. It may help support healthy pregnancy, heart health, and blood sugar. It may even have anticancer properties. Okra contains a type of protein called lectin, which may inhibit the growth of human cancer cells.
Decongest and rejuvenate.
Live Food Papaya Okra Cleanse
We grow okra as a medicinal food and it plays an active role in our late summer cleanse.
Hydration, enzymes, stretching, breathwork, movement and release.
Papaya is one of the most enzyme-rich medicines on the planet. Paired with farm fresh, tender okra this duo offers rejuvenation, decongestion, strength and empowerment. These super nutritional foods assist you in detox, repair tissues, cells, muscles, nerves, the memory, boosting the immune system and even releasing harmful patterns such as congestion, addictions or feelings and thoughts of lack.
Okra contains a thick gel-like substance called mucilage, which can bind to cholesterol during digestion, causing it to be released from the body instead of being absorbed.
The younger the better, the more nutrients and slipperiness. We aim to harvest small and even micro okra fruits that are very rich and slippery for the optimal release of toxins.
Join us for a cleanse this summer @claudinefarms. Make it a family tradition to jump in the ocean, lake, river stream or waterfall every once in a while. It brings your soul back to life. It helps your circulatory system and moves stagnation.